This year I visited every single Oktoberfest tent and took photos of the interiors + exteriors for those that weren't able to make it. Here they are in order of appearance on Wirtsbudenstraße + Matthias-Pschorr-Straße from the main gate up the right side and down the left:



Hacker-Festzelt ('Himmel der Bayern')


Winzerer Fähndl


Käfer Wiesen Schänke



Bräurosl (Hacker-Pschorr)


Daytime in the tents is totally my world at the Volksfest. Nightime is too packed, and honestly, to me, not as much fun. I love going in the tents though, so much culture to soak up!
They had a report on TV a few weeks ago about the opening of Oktoberfest, and all these poor, slightly crazy people trying to be the first ones in the Schottenhamel tent. I find the whole "Fest" aspect of the German culture so interesting, as it is so opposite of the normal German everyday.
That sounds about right - everyone wants to be in the Schottenhamel on opening day. My mother in law told me people were stealing the Hippodrom table cloths to have them made into dirndls. The fests are funny... I guess even Germans needs to loosen up from time to time.
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