Here are some statistics from this year's Oktoberfest:
6.4 million visitors (I went 5 times)
7 million Maß (7 liters were mine)
100,000+ hendl chickens
117 oxen (we saw Hubert)
62 fights with Maß krugs
140 bodily harm offenses
Lost and Found:
1450 pieces of clothing
770 passports
420 wallets
420 mobile phones
366 keys
90 cameras
37 children
1 pug
1 rabbit
1 tennis racket
1 leather whip
1 tuba
1 hearing aid
... and a pair of dentures.
Oddly it seems as though it's turning into a costume free-for-all with people dressing in ridiculous outfits. Outside of the Winzerer Fähndl tent we overheard security telling a man, 'This is not a carnival'... and he 'would not be allowed to enter dressed like that'. I was surprised, but happy to hear that.
Here are a few of my favorite things throughout:

We had such a great time with so many friends coming to see us. Hopefully we'll have just as many next year! Thanks to my friend Cait, who joined me on the ferris wheel where I was able to take the beautiful photo at the top on Friday evening.
Ferris wheels always provide such awesome photo opportunities. One day we'll get to Oktoberfest, I'd love to see the difference between that and our Canstatter Volksfest!
I can't believe you haven't been to Oktoberfest yet! It's a crazy place, but a lot of fun, particularly if you stop and admire the details and aren't just going to drink your life away.
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